
Aunt Nico Nico Han-chan, a 100-year-old house

Akeda-san(Aunt Han-chan) 緋田さん(はんちゃんおばさん)

Akeda’s house is an old-fashioned one-story house that is built around the courtyard after passing through the wooden gate. The main building is over 100 years old (!). Since it was built in the Meiji era, the number of families has increased due to marriage, people have been rebuilt for employers at the sewing workplace, and along with the history of the Akeda family, it has been rebuilt and remodeled to its present form.

As you walk out of the gate and down the narrow alleys, you will see the vegetables of Akeda’s aunt (called “Han-chan” by everyone on the island). You can see a lot of vegetables waiting for harvest there. On the island we grow our own food. Throughout the seasons, radishes, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, and various vegetables grow lush and produce various fruits. Bring your own scissors and triumphantly go to harvest the ingredients for dinner.

Aunt Hanchan is very good at local cuisine that has been passed down from generation to generation in Toyoshima. For example, it teaches island cuisine that makes the best use of local ingredients such as Igis tofu and gou soup. Those are the tastes of Teshima that Aunt Han-chan received from her grandmother. The experience of cooking together is popular.

The lively Han-chan always welcomes you warmly. Relax in a room with a Buddhist altar and enjoy the comfort of returning to your own countryside.

There are many repeaters and many female customers, and Han-chan is also active in accepting foreigners.




いつもニコニコにぎやかな はんちゃんがあたたかく迎えてくれます。仏壇のあるお部屋でほっこり、自分の田舎に帰ってきたような安らぎを味わってください。
