![ネギ[Leek, Welsh onions]](https://teshima.group/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/f35negi-1.jpg)
[Leek, Welsh onions] NEGI
Welsh onion is cultivated for food in East Asia and is also cultivated in Japan throughout the year. The season for food is winter (December-February). In western Japan, we prefer to eat the blue part, and in eastern Japan we eat the white part. It has been used as a condiment for cold tofu, buckwheat noodles, and udon noodles for a long time, and because it has a strong peculiar smell, it is used as a deodorant for fishy ingredients. In addition, it is one of the indispensable ingredients for stir-fried foods, nuta, juice, and hot pot dishes. It seems that it is not eaten much in Europe and America, but it is a variety close to chives.
Supplier→ Farm Hamanaka 浜中農園
ネギは東アジアでは食用に栽培されており、日本でも一年を通じて栽培されます。食材としての旬は冬場(12月 – 2月)です。西日本では、青い部分を好んで食べ、東日本では白い部分を食べます。日本では古くから冷奴、蕎麦、うどんなどの薬味として用いられ、ネギ特有の匂いが強いことから、生臭い食材の匂い消しとして使われます。その他、炒め物、ぬた、汁、鍋料理に欠かせない食材の一つです。欧米ではあまり食べたれないようですが、チャイブが近い品種です。